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Your four wheeled friend requires love, care and attention to function smoothly. Maintenance can prove to be expensive, especially if you have to dole out money nearly every month for its upkeep. Which is why, I have put together a few car maintenance tips, which will help you reduce costs and save money in the long run.
Preventive car maintenance
Prevention is better than cure is an oft repeated statement and it holds true when it comes to your car as well. So the minute you spot an oil leak, you must take it to the nearest garage and get it repaired immediately. This way, you won’t be in for any nasty surprises in the future. Also, check your tyre pressure and the overall condition of your tyre. If they are worn and your tyres are balding in certain spots, then it is time to replace them. Worn tyres not only put a lot of pressure on your car’s engine but may also lead to road accidents. Always try to solve the problem in nascent stages before it spirals into something big.
Change the oil
Your engine oil is your car’s life blood and you must replace it every 3000 miles to ensure that your engine is functioning smoothly. Changing the oil at regular intervals can prevent buildup of harmful deposits. If you ignore it then they can damage your engine and double your car maintenance costs. Engine oil, brake oil, coolant and power steering oil are vital for your car. They ensure that all the mechanical parts are working in perfect harmony. Making sure that your car has optimum fluid levels is the first step to prolonging its life.
Park your car in the shade
Harsh sunrays can damage the exterior of your car and may lead to the car’s paint peeling off. These exposed parts then start rusting and they require nothing less than a paint job to restore them in their former condition. When you park your car in the shade, not only do you protect your car but also ensure that it remains cool. This way, your AC won’t face a high load when you take your car out for a spin. An added advantage of parking your car in the shade is that it helps prevent fuel evaporation. The paint quality and interiors also do not wear out due to the heat.
Use genuine parts
Cheap knockoffs of automobile parts, though easily available, can cause a lot of hassles later on. They are prone to breaking down and their poor quality may end up damaging the other parts of your car.
Get an annual check up for your car
A lot of car owners don’t pay any heed to the car manual provided to them. But this can prove to be their greatest folly. A car manual lists out “service interval”, which is prescribed by the automaker. This is the time when you should take your car for servicing to ensure it is working in top notch condition. A service interval is different for different models and it is advisable that, on every interval, you should take your car to a manufacturer authorized service center. A comprehensive service on those specific intervals is a must for every car. Procrastination will not only reduce the life of your car but will also increase the cost of repair work in the future.
Extend your warranty
For a fraction of the price of your car, you can buy your peace of mind for yourself in the form of extended warranties. An extended warranty gives two times the cover of a standard warranty and acts as a safeguard against unforeseen repairs. Extended warranty can reduce your car maintenance bills by half.
Hope you enjoyed the post. Do let me know your favorite car maintenance tips 🙂