Every morning, I play with the sun; the sunrays sneak into my room and caress my eyelids to gently wake me up. I yawn a little, snuggle into my blanket and move my eyes away. Hah! I say sleepily to the sun, how will you wake me up now? But the breeze joins in and roars a little, forcing me to get up and switch off the fan. I sleep again. But they don’t give up. Slowly the sunrays and the breeze with their gentle reminders tell me it is time to wake up.
I get up, brush my teeth, drink a glass of warm water, put on my sneakers and leave my dorm with my Dell tablet. Mornings are the best time to bring out the writer in you, especially if you live in a beautiful place.
As I walk, I remember the days when I did not have my Dell tablet. I had to carry a bag pack with my diary, some pens, my camera and extra batteries. I would take my diary out whenever an idea struck me and scribble it untidily. Sometimes, my scribbles were so illegible that understand my lovely ideas!And then, Dell entered my life and like the proverbial princess (why should knights have all the fun, eh?) in shining armour rescued my ideas. Now, instead of carrying an entire backpack, I just carry my Dell tablet.
Lost in thoughts, I walk on the beautifully paved path and wave hi to the beautiful trees, whose leaves gaily whisper some secrets to me.
Next comes the bed of roses who haughtily survey all the flowers from afar, ensuring that all of them woken up and are busy spreading their fragrance far and wide. The birds twitter a little and I take my tab out to tweet about them.
As I type, I decide to take a little detour and start walking towards the little pond with chairs all around it.
I prop myself on one of them and watch birds for a while. Suddenly, an idea strikes me and instead of hurriedly opening my backpack to look for my diary and pen, I simply switch on my Dell tablet and start typing. I type for quite some time and then suddenly, it starts buzzing. Its time to return. With my super light tablet, I start walking back, merrily clicking pictures of whatever I fancy.
And as I am operating it, I realize something and I ask myself, “Khushboo, why can’t type out your post on the tablet? Why should you switch on your laptop, plug it to ensure that it doesn’t run out of battery and stay in one place when you can go anywhere you want and write in peace. You don’t even have to bother transferring the photographs to your laptop before you upload it.”
I am genius, I think as I give a pat on my back and then sit on the stone bench and start typing. I stop only when one of my friends rushes up to me and tells me that breakfast will get over in the next 5 minutes. I type one last line and rush to the Dining Hall.
The outcome? This beautiful post that you are reading. Yes, all the pictures have been clicked through my Dell Tablet and this post, in its entirety, except for a few minor changes has been written on it. Aren’t you amazed at what this powerful little gadget can do? I know I am. J